Static Mach-O binary analyse
macOS side
- $ file <BINARY> - will tell the type of file
- $ codesign -dv <BINARY> - verify code signature
- $ codesign -d --entitlements - <BINARY> - defalut way to get entitlements
- $ ./jtool2 --ent <BINARY> - another way to get entitlements
- $ pagestuff <BINARY> -a - sections and segments in Mach-O
- $ nm -m <BINARY> - another way to get some info from sections and segments
- $ otool -L <BINARY> - dylibs that binary links to
- $ otool -l <BINARY> - all load commands
- $ otool -l <BINARY> | grep crypt - information about encrypted blob
- $ ./jtool2 -e <SECTION>.<SEGMENT> <BINARY> - extract section/segment into separate file
- $ strings - <BINARY> - all C stirngs
- $ ./class-dump -H -o <DIRECTORY-OUT> <BINARY> - dump objc classes headers
iOS side
- # ldid -e <BINARY> - read entitlements of binary
- + all jtool2 related from macOS section
- # ./FileDP -f/d <FILE/DIRECTORY> - read Data Protection class of file/directory
[1] jtool - Taking the O out of otool(1), and so much more by Jonathan Levin
[2] How to reverse malware on macOS without getting infected by Phil Stokes
[3] my fork of FileDP by @satishb3 sutable for iOS 12.4
[4] class-dump sources, you will need to rebuild them for 64bit to run on macOS Catalina