Re-sign binary (with Apple Developer account)
macOS side
- Rename your decrypted <NAME>.ipa into <NAME>.zip, unarchive, open
- Change bundleId in Payload/<NAME>.app/Info.plist to something matching your Apple Developer account
- Minimal <whatever>.entitlements should have following info:
- Create app with same bundle id and all the additional capabilities you've included in entitlements xml on Apple Developer website
- Create provisioning profile for your app id, your device, your developer account on Apple Developer website, download it and rename to embedded.mobileprovision
- Check that you have correct signing identity and re-sign the binary
- Pack new ipa with this binary:$ zip -qr <NAME2>.ipa Payload/
iOS side
On a jaibroken device you can modify entitlements and simulate codesigning using ldid utility
[1] Theory about codesigning
[2] How to re-sign iOS builds
[3] Patching and Re-Signing iOS Apps